Being Themselves - Sunera Thejan Senadheera

Sunera is a 25 year old graphic and 3D designerfrom Kiribathgoda. He’s a huge fan of Batman, Ironman, Wolverine and Daredevil.

“For me Cosplaying is all about getting to dress/be the characters I’ve always deamed of becoming- at least in appearance. Being able to pull off a good cosplay makes me feel proud and badass!”

"I decide on who to cosplay depending on the characters I love and whether they match my general appearance – since I’m trying to be as faithful as possible to the character.

"Sometimes it can take months to put together a cosplay outfit- since finding and sourcing/crafting the stuff can be difficult. At times I use stuff from the junkyard. Sometimes I order things online." 

"The best thing about cosplaying is that I actually get a chance to be the characters I love and also please others who love the same characters. Cosplay has taught me how to communicate better, how to develop my patience and how to work on time!

 "I’ve cosplayed 3 characters so far. Wolverine, Agent 47, and a Blade+Punisher mash-up. Of those I liked Agent 47 the best since that’s not only my favourite but it was also the cosplay by which most people got to know me. “